Zentangle Art

November 09, 2014

What a fantastic experience I had getting my credentials as a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT®) in October.

I had already been practicing the art for quite a while, but the true meaning and philosophy behind Zentangle® art really hit me during my training. It all starts with Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, the founders of this technique, and includes many of their family members who work along side them. They work very hard to get this therapeutic art form out to as many folks as possible.

So, what is Zentangle art? It’s a simple art form that encourages increased focus while making deliberate markings with a pen. It's for everyone, especially if you think you are not artistic and cannot draw. Zentangle art happens one stroke at a time. You make one deliberate mark with your pen, then you make another, keep going as you focus on the pen laying ink onto the tile. Pretty soon, you have a beautiful piece of art. Seriously, it’s that simple. You can’t even imagine the beautiful piece you end up with!

There are a few 'rules' to the Zentangle technique and if you follow them you will have success every time. You can break the rules of course and still end up with a fantastic piece, but we call these pieces Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA).

There is much more to come, so stay tuned!

















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