TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks: Blog en-us (C) 2004-2024 [email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Sun, 05 Mar 2023 20:42:00 GMT Sun, 05 Mar 2023 20:42:00 GMT TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks: Blog 120 120 2023 Zentangle Workshop Schedule Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2023

This year I will be stepping back my teaching a bit. I will likely do a couple of classes at both University Art and Elk Grove Fine Art Center, however nothing is set in stone at this point.

That being said, if you want to learn Zentangle or have a specific tangle skill or technique you want to learn, you can reach out to me to discuss a one-on-one or private party class. One-on-one sessions can be at a local spot in Elk Grove or online via Zoom. Private Party classes can be done at your home or business in the Sacramento area. My classes are always $35/person.

Any classes that I teach at University Art or Elk Grove Fine Art Center will be posted here.


Basics Classes

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle. 

Basics TileHollibaugh, Printemps, Cubine and Crescent Moon tangles

Beyond Basics Classes

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for each of these classes.

Please see previous blog posts for descriptions on the Beyond Basics classes you can request.


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Bijou class class schedule czt Found Poetry maria thomas meditative patterns poetry renaissance rick roberts stain tangles tea teacher Tips Tricks zentangle zentangle basics Thu, 29 Dec 2022 18:02:04 GMT
2022 Zentangle Workshop Schedule Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2022

I am ready to start the new year with some in-person Zentangle classes! Please come with me on this journey. I look forward to bringing you into the wonderful world of Zentangle if you are brand new to this art process. If you are already hooked, I hope to bring new techniques, tangles and enjoyment to your practice. Keep checking back as classes will be added throughout the year and space is limited at each venue to increase social distancing.

I teach at two locations:

University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Dates: Below
Sign up: Click on the 'Register for Class' button on the right.


Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: 11:00am to 2:00pm
Dates: Below
Sign up: Follow the link for the Elk Grove Fine Arts Center or call them at 916.685.5992.


Basics Classes

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle. 

 Date  Location
March 27th  University Art
September 25th  University Art

Basics TileHollibaugh, Printemps, Cubine and Crescent Moon tangles

Beyond Basics

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for each of these classes.
If you are ready to stretch your Zentangle practice and learn new techniques, these classes are for you.


Map Tangling

We will be using a specific method to invite watercolor onto the tile (yes, you read that correctly, I said COLOR). After it dries, we will tangle on top of the color in a certain way that has become known in the Zentangle world as Map Tangling.

 Date  Location
 January 23rd  University Art Center

Map TanglingLet's add watercolor to a tile and then have some tangle fun!

Tea Stains

This is a wonderfully creative way to give your string life! We will create a string using tea to stain our tiles. Then we will tangle using that string as inspiration. We will also be tangling directly on used tea bags!

 Date  Location
 February 19th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center
 May 22nd   University Art 

Tea StainsUsing tea, we will stain the tiles to create a beautiful string to hold our tangles.   Tea Bag TanglingTea Bag Tangling

Found Poetry

This is one of my new favorite things to do with Zentangle. I will supply a page from a book and you will choose words from that page that speak to you. After that, we will tangle around the words, shade the paper to make the words pop, and tadah, you will have a beautiful Found Poetry piece.

 Date  Location
 July 31st  University Art

Found PoetryUse found words to create poetry and then add to that with Zentangle.


Um, yes! The most creative class of the year. I provide you with craft pumpkins and colored IdentiPens to draw on them. We practice a bunch of Halloween type tangles on paper first. Then we talk about how you want to map out your string on the pumpkin. Once that's done, it's all about putting the ink on that pumpkin. This class is so much fun!

 Date  Location
 October 23rd  University Art

Pumpkin WorkshopLet's have fun with spooky tangles!

* November/December - No Classes scheduled.



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Bijou class class schedule czt Found Poetry Keith Haring maria thomas meditative patterns poetry Pumpkins renaissance rick roberts Romanancy stain tangles tea teacher Tips Tricks zentangle zentangle basics Mon, 20 Dec 2021 00:57:46 GMT
Zentangle Basics Class Wow am I thrilled to be teaching in person again! Um, YES!

Class: Zentangle Basics Class

Date: October 17, 2021
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Place: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento
Cost: $35, materials included

Sign up: Click on the 'Register for Class' button on the right and then click on the Zentangle Basics Class item to register and pay.

I am limited to 8 students due to social distancing protocol, so don't wait too long to sign up.

Zentangle Basics Class

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

I look forward to bringing you in to the wonderful world of Zentangle!

Tidbit: I plan to teach once a month beginning in January. So if I don't see you this time, stay tuned for more dates in the future.



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) art class basics class CZT maria thomas meditate patterns Rick Roberts tangles teacher zentangle Fri, 17 Sep 2021 01:06:12 GMT
2020 Zentangle Workshop Schedule Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2020

I look forward to bringing you into the wonderful world of Zentangle. If you are already hooked, I hope to bring new techniques, tangles and enjoyment to your practice.

I teach at two locations:

University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Dates: Below
Sign up: Click on the 'Register for Class' button on the right.

Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: Noon to 3:00pm
Dates: Below
Sign up: Follow the link for the Elk Grove Fine Arts Center or call them at 916.685.5992.



Basics Classes

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

 Date  Location
 January 18th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center
 January 26th  University Art
 March 21st  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 April 26th  University Art - CANCELLED
 August 15th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 August 30th  University Art - CANCELLED

Basics TileHollibaugh, Printemps, Cubine and Crescent Moon tangles

Beyond Basics

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for all of these classes.
If you are ready to stretch your Zentangle practice and learn new techniques, these classes are for you. I will be teaching several new classes this year that I'm sure you will enjoy.

Bijou Tips/Tricks

We will be working on our smaller 2" tiles in white, tan, black and the new GRAY! We will be adding some decorative spice to enhance your tangles, talking about shading, and using different pens, chalk pencils and other tools to make your tiles pop.

 Date  Location
 February 15th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Bijou Tips/TricksLet's take Bijou for a spin and learn some new techniques.

Found Poetry

This is one of my new favorite things to do with Zentangle. I will supply a page from a book and you will choose words from that page that speak to you. After that, we will tangle around the words, shade the paper to make the words pop, and tadah, you will have a beautiful Found Poetry piece.

 Date  Location
 February 23rd  University Art
 April 18th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center- CANCELLED

Found PoetryUse found words to create poetry and then add to that with Zentangle.



Tea Stains

This is a wonderfully creative way to give your string life! We will create a string using tea to stain our tiles. Then we will tangle using that string as inspiration.

 Date  Location
 May 16th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 May 31st  University Art - CANCELLED

Tea StainsUsing tea, we will stain the tiles to create a beautiful string to hold our tangles.

Romanancy Style on Renaissance Tiles

You are going to love the look you get with this style. We add a few lines, draw a few fragmented tangles and then the magic happens. When we add the shading and highlights, right before your eyes your tile is transformed into columns of art!

 Date  Location
 June 20th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 June 28th  University Art - CANCELLED

Romanancy StyleUse fragments of tangles and then shading and highlights to pull out the magic of these columns.

Keith Haring Inspired Black Tiles

Keith Haring used bold, thick lines in his art. We will do the same as we work with white Gelly Roll® pens on black tiles. This is not your usual Zentangle class. We will stray from creating tangles and I will show you some strokes and designs you can use to create your own Haring-ish art tile. If you want to make a bold statement or just try something new, this will be a fun class. 

 Date  Location
July 26th  University Art - CANCELLED

Keith Haring StyleUsing bold art lines, create a Keith Haring inspired tile.

Save the Dates!

So I am going to zenAgain in May! Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and the rest of the Zentangle HQ team always shows us some really awesome techniques and usually a new tangle or two. So I am reserving the below dates for to pop in some classes that will be inspired by zenAgain.

 Date  Location
 July 18th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 September 19th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 September 27th  University Art - CANCELLED



Um, yes! The most creative class of the year. I provide you with craft pumpkins and colored IdentiPens to draw on them. We practice a bunch of Halloween type tangles on paper first. Then we talk about how you want to map out your string on the pumpkin. Once that's done, it's all about putting the ink on that pumpkin. This class is so much fun!

 Date  Location
 October 17th  Elk Grove Fine Arts Center - CANCELLED
 October 25th  University Art - CANCELLED

Pumpkin WorkshopLet's have fun with spooky tangles!

* November/December - No Classes scheduled.



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Bijou class class schedule czt Found Poetry Keith Haring maria thomas meditative patterns poetry Pumpkins renaissance rick roberts Romanancy stain tangles tea teacher Tips Tricks zentangle zentangle basics Thu, 12 Dec 2019 01:52:46 GMT
2019 Zentangle Workshop Schedule Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2019

I learned some awesome new tangles and techniques at the CZT reunion, zenAgain2018, in November and I can't wait to teach you everything I have learned.

I teach at two locations:

University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm
Dates: Below

Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Cost: $35, materials included
Time: Noon to 3:00pm
Dates: Below


Saturday, January 12th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
The Renaissance tiles offer so much diversity. Please join me as I take you through black and brown pens, black and white pencils and we create magical tiles.

Renaissance (tan) TilesRenaissance (tan) TilesRenaissance (tan) Tiles


January 27th - Zentangle Basics at University Art

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

Zentangle BasicsZentangle BasicsInk and charcoal is all you need


Saturday, February 9th - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

February 24th - 3D Stand-Up Tiles at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
I just saw this technique at zenAgain2018 and immediately knew I had to teach a class...lucky you! These 3D Stand-Up tiles are super easy to make and have tangles on both sides of the tile. You will learn the newest tangles from my retreat and make these cool 3D tiles.

3D Stand-up Tile3D Stand-up Tile3.5" Zentangle Tile 3D Stand-up Tile3D Stand-up Tile3.5" Zentangle Tile 3D Stand-up Tile3D Stand-up Tile3.5" Zentangle Tile


Saturday, March 9th - Black Tiles with Color at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
Using white pens and colored chalk pencils, we draw on black Zentangle tiles. If you love contrast and dramatic results, this workshop is one you won't want to miss.

Black Tile with ColorBlack Tile with ColorWhite ink with colored chalk pencils


March 31st - DingBatz & DingSplatz at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
DingBatz & its new relative DingSplatz are the newest rage among Tanglers. In the typography world, "dingbats" are a type of scrolled printer's ornament normally added to cards and stationary. Maria has turned that little gem into a small, self-contained frame that you can fill with tangles. I was at a seminar in October 2018 when Maria, Rick, Molly and Martha rolled out the new DingSplatz, which is a loopy-loop container for you favorite tangles. We will dibble and dabble with these two methods!

DingSplatzDingSplatzKnightsbridge tangle


Saturday, April 13th - Frame Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class. Starting with a regular Zentangle tile, we will create a frame for smaller Bijou tiles or a small picture. You will be excited to see just how many tangles make great frameworks.

Frame TileFrame TileRegular Tile with Bijou

April 28th - Zentangle Basics at University Art

See description for January 27th.


Saturday, May 18th - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.


May 26th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
The Renaissance tiles offer so much diversity and I have new tricks up my sleeve! Maria taught us a new technique at zenAgain2018 that she called, 'Marginalia". I'm excited to show you what it's all about. Please join me as I take you through black and brown pens, black and white pencils and we create magical tiles.

Renaissance (tan) tileRenaissance (tan) tileMarginalia Method


Saturday, June 15th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
The Renaissance tiles offer so much diversity. Please join me as I take you through black and brown pens, black and white pencils and we create magical tiles.

Renaissance (tan) TilesRenaissance (tan) TilesRenaissance (tan) Tiles


June 30th - Zentangle Batik Style at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to cloth which originated in Indonesia. We will use Sakura Glaze pens as a resist on our Zentangle tiles and then add some color. This is another new technique I learned at zenAgain2018 that I am sure you will love.

Resist & ColorResist & Color3Z Tiles


July 28th - Zendala & Chakra at University Art

Joined by my wonderful friend and yogi, Ann DaPrato of Rise Wellness, we will use a Zendala to draw out the Chakra's. I will take you thru the tangles, while Ann takes you thru the Chakra's. It's a match made in heaven and you don't want to miss it.

Zendala & ChakraZendala & ChakraExploring the Chakra, Zentangle Style



Sunday, August 11th - Zentangle Basics at Just for Fun Art

Please sign up for this class by following this link: Register for ClassJust for Fun Art is located inside 'Balloon Creations by Carolyn' at: 4700 Northgate Blvd #155, Sacramento, CA 95834. The class is from Noon to 3pm.

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

Saturday, August 17th - Sea of Zen at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
We are going to channel the artist Ernst Haeckel and draw a Zentangle inspired jellyfish.

Jelly FishJelly FishJelly Fish


August 25th - Zentangle Basics at University Art

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.


Saturday, September 21st - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

September 29th - Labyrinth at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
My friend and fellow CZT, Dorian Eng, created an easy to follow method for creating a Zentangle labyrinth. I will use her method to guide you through making your very own. I can't wait to see what you come up with in this new workshop.

Picture coming!

Saturday, October 19th - Pumpkin Class at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.

This is a favorite for many students. You will learn fun & spooky tangles and then use them on a craft pumpkin that you can use for many years to come.

PumpkinsPumpkin Workshop

October 27th - Pumpkin Class at University Art

Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
This is a favorite for many students. You will learn fun & spooky tangles and then use them on a craft pumpkin that you can use for many years to come.

PumpkinsPumpkin Workshop


* November/December - No Classes scheduled.



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) batik chakra class class schedule czt dingbatz dingsplatz labyrinth maria thomas meditative patterns renaissance resist rick roberts tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Mon, 08 Oct 2018 20:14:00 GMT
2018 Class Schedule Woot Woot, it's time to unveil the Zentangle Class Schedule for 2018!

Where: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento

Cost: $35, materials included

Time: 12:30pm to 3:30pm, free street parking

Dates: The following Sundays...

January 28th - Zentangle Basics

If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.

February 4th - Reticula & Fragments

If you have the 'Zentangle Primer vol 1' book, you know that Reticula & Fragments can lead to exciting patterns. For those that do not have the book, Reticula is a type of grid, but it doesn't have to be a square or rectangle. The definition is "a fine network or netlike structure." This is the net that lets you contain your Fragments. Fragments are pieces of tangles that you can turn this way and that to create very cool patterns. Joining me in your introduction to this great process is CZT Jodi Ballenger.

March 18th - Shades of Gray

CZT Sonya Yencer created a lesson called "14 Shades of Gray". I will guide you through this process which focuses on shading, gradation and attention to detail. And, you get to use an eraser without feeling guilty!

April 29th - Zentangle Basics

See description for January 28th.

June 24th - Morphing and Comingling Tangles

This class will help you let your tangles loose from their strings. Tangles will talk to each other and they will have deep conversations. Tangles will start out alone on one side of the tile and by the time they get to the other side, they will have many friends. You will morph one tangle into another and interweave different tangles. This is a very freeing class and will push your limits if you are used to drawing within the lines.

ComingleComingleComingle ComingleComingleComingle


July 29th - Zendala & Chakra

Joined by my wonderful friend and yogi, Ann DaPrato of Rise Wellness, we will use a Zendala to draw out the Chakra's. I will take you thru the tangles, while Ann takes you thru the Chakra's. It's a match made in heaven and you don't want to miss it.

Chakra ZendalaChakra ZendalaChakra Zendala


Saturday, August 18th - Zentangle Basics ADDED BASICS CLASS

This Basics class will be held at the Elk Grove Fine Arts Center from Noon to 3pm. Please go to their website to register for class.


August 26th - Zentangle Basics

See description for January 28th.


October 28th - Pumpkin Class

This is a favorite for many students. You will learn fun & spooky tangles and then use them on a craft pumpkin that you can use for many years to come.

Zentangle PumpkinZentangle PumpkinZentangle Pumpkin Zentangle PumpkinZentangle PumpkinZentangle Pumpkin


November 11th - Cards & Tags (and more for the Holidays)

We will tangle cards and tags for all occasions, including getting a head start on the holiday season.


* May and December - No Classes scheduled.


ZenAngelZenAngelWings by Maria Thomas


Thanks so much for your support!



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) class class schedule czt maria thomas meditative patterns rick roberts tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Sun, 26 Nov 2017 23:28:00 GMT
The Halloween Class is Almost Here! That's right Tanglers, it's time to sign up for the Halloween Tangle Class!

This year we are switching from real pumpkins to craft pumpkins. Why? Because the real ones have a waxy coating and our pens do not like them at all. I have craft pumpkins in different colors and sizes waiting for your arrival on the day of class. First come, first serve!

As usual, I will have multi-colored Identi-pens for each table to share. We will start by tangling some new patterns and old favorites on practice pumpkin paper and then switch to the craft pumpkins when you are comfortable.

This is seriously the best class of the year, I hope you can make it!


Where: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento

When: October 29th, 12:30pm to 3:30pm

Cost: $35 includes materials

**Zentangle experience is required**

Zentangle Craft PumpkinZentangle Craft PumpkinZentangle Craft Pumpkin

Craft PumpkinsCraft PumpkinsCraft Pumpkins

Tangle on!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Wed, 04 Oct 2017 16:48:24 GMT
Launch of Traveling Tangle Project is a HIT! Somewhere around Christmas, I asked my students if they would be interested in participating in a Traveling Tangle Project. After explaining what this meant, a few students got to work and the results are below!

The Traveling Tangle Project starts when Tangler A grabs a tile and starts it off with a border, a string, and a tangle or two. Then they send this tile to Tangler B who completes the tile by adding their own tangles. At the same time, Tangler B is starting off a new tile the same way to send it off to Tangler A. As far as shading, each tangler can shade their own tangles or the first Tangler can leave it up to second Tangler to shade the entire tile. The main rule is that when you receive a Traveling Tangle tile, you take a Before picture and when you are done you take an After picture, then send them both to me.

This collaboration is always exciting! We have Tanglers that like curvy lines paired up with Tanglers that like grids...think of the possibilities! There are Tanglers that use thick pens to draw, but what happens when that tile is sent to a Tangler that normally uses a thin pen? It's all magic and exciting!

If you want to join our Traveling Tangle Project, send me an email with your name and address and I will get you started.

Hover over each picture below for the tangler's names!


Cynthia and LynneCynthia and LynneCynthia's start

Cynthia and LynneCynthia and LynneLynne's finish

Deb and LynneDeb and LynneDeb's start

Deb and LynneDeb and LynneLynne's finish

Lynne and DebLynne and DebLynne's start
Lynne and DebLynne and DebDeb's finish

EllynRose and CynthiaEllynRose and CynthiaEllynRose's start EllynRose and CynthiaEllynRose and CynthiaCynthia's finish

EllynRose and KimEllynRose and KimEllynRose's start EllynRose and KimEllynRose and KimKim's finish

Jodi and DebJodi and DebJodi's start Jodi and DebJodi and DebDeb's finish

EllynRose and LynneEllynRose and LynneEllynRose's start EllynRose and LynneEllynRose and LynneLynne's finish

Kim and EllynRoseKim and EllynRoseKim's start Kim and EllynRoseKim and EllynRoseEllynRose's finish

Lynne and CynthiaLynne and CynthiaLynne's start Lynne and CynthiaLynne and CynthiaCynthia's finish

Lynne and EllynRoseLynne and EllynRoseLynne's start Lynne and EllynRoseLynne and EllynRoseEllynRose's finish

Lynne and KimLynne and KimLynne's start Lynne and KimLynne and KimKim's finish

Cynthia and LynneCynthia and LynneCynthia's start Cynthia and LynneCynthia and LynneLynne's finish

Jodi and KimJodi and KimJodi's start

Jodi and KimJodi and KimKim's finish

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Project Tangle Tangles Traveling zentangle Mon, 20 Feb 2017 18:03:04 GMT
Class Pictures I have some class pictures that never made it the blog, so today is catch-up day!

First up is from the Holiday class at University Art. Unfortunately only one picture was taken as we were having such a tangling good time, but fortunately it shows a beautifully completed ornament and one in progress.


Zentangle Holiday OrnamentZentangle Holiday OrnamentZentangle Holiday Ornament

Next up, a few young ladies at the Montessori school my friend Aimee teaches at sent me a request for a Basics class. It was a Friday night and we had a lot of fun! So much fun that I also received my first thank you note! Right back atcha Logan, Brianna and Kelly!

Montessori Basics TileMontessori Basics TileLogan, Brianna, Kelly, Ana and Aimee Montessori Bijou TileMontessori Bijou TileLogan, Brianna, Kelly, Ana and Aimee


Montessori Thank YouMontessori Thank YouMontessori Thank You


Next up was a demo at the Dillard school in Wilton. They were having their annual art show displaying really fabulous art that the kids created. One of my student's, Tifany Cannon teaches there and invited me to demo. My table was full of young artists!

Dillard SchoolDillard SchoolDillard School

Dillard ArtDillard ArtDillard Art

Dillard TileDillard TileDillard Tile Dillard Creative LetteringDillard Creative LetteringDillard Creative Lettering


It's been fun tangling in different locations and seeing new faces these past few months!

Next up is a Zentangle Basics class at University Art on J Street in Sacramento on February 26th. I hope to see you there!

Tangle On!



[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) basics class CZT patterns tangles teacher zentangle Mon, 20 Feb 2017 17:11:37 GMT
Halloween Tangling We had a spooky good time in the Halloween class this year! I really did my homework and kicked out more than a dozen creepy tangles to the students. Everyone chose a real pumpkin to tangle on, as well as a gift bag filled with candy, skulls, painted wood Halloween cut-outs and more! 

We started by learning some tangles and then practicing them on paper pumpkins. Then everyone grabbed their mini-pumpkin and had a tangling good time!

I think this class is my favorite and I look forward to it each year!

Check out the beautiful tangles everyone created...

Tangled Craft PumpkinBy Kim Kohler

Tangled Craft PumpkinBy Kim Kohler

Mini-Pumpkin TanglingBy Ellynrose Mini-Pumpkin TanglingBy Deb

Mini-Pumpkin TanglingBy Ann Tangles GaloreDeciding which tangles to use was tough! Mini-Pumpkin TanglingTesting out multiple tangles! Spooky TanglesBy Ann Spooky TreatsFun Give-Aways to Tangle On Wood Skull with 'N ZeppelBy Kim Kohler Mini-Pumpkin TanglingBy Deb

Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) class CZT Halloween patterns tangles zentangle Sun, 06 Nov 2016 18:32:00 GMT
Last Basics Class of the Year Woot Woot!

I had a great time teaching the last basics class of the year at University Art! These new Zentangle enthusiasts had a great time learning about the history of the Zentangle method while we created a regular 3.5" tile and a little Bijou 2" tile. There was much laughter in the entire process, which I love!

In fact, I have been having a flare up for almost 2 weeks and my hands and fingers hurt very badly. When the flare ups come on, it's hard to make me laugh. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to teach to the level I am used to normally. But the students and I connected right away and made me forget about the pain for 3 hours. 

I am so grateful to have found Zentangle and to have had the opportunity to go to the Seminar in Rhode Island, meet Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and the whole gang. I can't tell you how much it has enriched my life and helped me thru the hard days.

Anyway, here are the beautiful tiles they created. I think it's a great way to end the Basics for 2016!

Aquafleur on BijouAquafleur on BijouUniversity Arts Basic Class


Crescent Moon, 'N Zeppel, Hollibaugh and Knights Bridge on 3.5" TileCrescent Moon, 'N Zeppel, Hollibaugh and Knights Bridge on 3.5" TileBasics Class at University Art


Coming up on October 23rd is the Great Pumpkin Zentangle Class! 

Coming up on November 20th is the Holiday Ornament Class!

If you have taken the Basics from me or another CZT, email me to sign up for these classes!

Until next time, Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) basics class CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts tangles teacher zentangle Sat, 01 Oct 2016 18:53:33 GMT
First Zentangle Meet-up = SUCCESS! WOW! WOW! WOW!

Thank you to those who came to JoAnn’s Fabric in Elk Grove today for our first meet-up! It was an overwhelming success! We were sharing art, stories, new books and it was so fun that I did not even finish one tiny little tangle! We even had 3 CZT’s there: myself, Chris Leach and Jodi Ballenger!

So we are definitely going to make this a monthly thing. I have already called JoAnn’s and started the process, but I need to wait for confirmation that the dates are open. In the mean time, here are a few things we agreed were awesome and wanted to share:
The Great Zentangle Book by Beate Winkler, CZT: So of course it has some of your standard tangles, but what I liked about it, is that it also showed tangleations….fun ways you can use the tangles differently. (I think there were 3 of us that ordered it during our meet-up!)
Danette Smith’s Rotating Table Top Easels: Perfect for tiles! It's portable, it rotates and the incline is adjustable, what more can you ask for!
So, back to the meet-ups...they are open to everyone. If you have friends that haven’t taken a class but want to tangle, they can come along as well. They are free! I will not be teaching, but you can ask questions if you are stumped on something. We are shooting for the 2nd Sunday of each month and as soon as the dates are set, I will post them in the Class Calendar. 
Tangle On!
[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT meditative patterns tangles zentangle Sun, 11 Sep 2016 21:53:33 GMT
Black Tile Class! So you already know I'm a late poster. Well, throw in a vacation in Kaua'i, Hawaii, and I am a REALLY late poster. I am back and full of Aloha, so I wanted to post some pictures of the Black Tile class at University Art that was held on July 29th.

It was an awesome class, full of challenges and inspiration. Let's talk about Paradox... This tangle always gives folks the heebie-jeebies, so I like to teach it and get them over the hill. We drew Tripoli inspired triangles and then filled some of them with Paradox. At the end, there were still some who loathed it, but more that loved it!

Then we used the Zen Stone to create a gray space on half of a tile. We used Flux and Courant on the black side and Flux and Ibex on the gray side. Finally, we grabbed a black Bijou tile and played with Panzee.

See below for class tiles as well as a couple of tiles sent to me after the class.


Photo/Artwork by Cynthia WhelanPhoto/Artwork by Cynthia WhelanPhoto/Artwork by Cynthia Whelan


Black Tile MosaicBlack Tile MosaicBlack Tile Mosaic

Tripoli / Paradox MosaicTripoli / Paradox MosaicTripoli / Paradox Mosaic Flux / Courant / Ibex MosaicFlux / Courant / Ibex MosaicFlux / Courant / Ibex Mosaic


Panzee MosaicPanzee MosaicPanzee Mosaic

Photo/Artwork by Fanny CrousePhoto/Artwork by Fanny CrousePhoto/Artwork by Fanny Crouse

Close-up of Flux / Ibex / CourantClose-up of Flux / Ibex / CourantClose-up of Flux / Ibex / Courant Close-up of Tripoli / ParadoxClose-up of Tripoli / ParadoxClose-up of Tripoli / Paradox

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) black class CZT Maria Thomas meditative patterns Rick Roberts tangles teacher tiles zentangle Wed, 17 Aug 2016 01:05:26 GMT
The Basics at Wackford Community Center Another wonderful class is in the books! I had 5 lovely ladies yesterday for the Basics class at Wackford Community Center. We had a great time while they learned the basics and were amazed at their talent! No matter how much I tell folks that they CAN DO THIS, they are always surprised to find out exactly how easy it is to make incredible art!

Thank you ladies for a wonderful afternoon!

Here are the beautiful results from the class....

Basics TileBasics TileBasics Tile


Aquafleur on BijouAquafleur on BijouAquafleur on Bijou

Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) basics class CZT Maria meditative patterns Rick Roberts tangles teacher Thomas zentangle Sun, 17 Jul 2016 18:45:28 GMT
Zentangle in June Well, it's been a great month for tangling! We have had the heat move in, so having some Zentangle fun indoors was the way to go for sure! I had 3 classes in June, a youth and adult class at the Wackford Community Center in Elk Grove and then an all inclusive class at University Art in Sacramento.

The kids were awesome! I had two sisters who decided to try the class after their older sister had taken the basics from me. And I had two boys that really enjoyed themselves. I love it when kids start shading the tangles and the oohs and aahs come out!

I present their tiles to you!

Kids Zentangle TilesKids Zentangle TilesKids Zentangle Tiles

The adults that day were equally awesome! They were having a lot of fun and we even had enough time for TWO tiles!

First Adult TileFirst Adult TileFirst Adult Tile

Second Adult TileSecond Adult TileSecond Adult Tile


The next class at University Art had 7 folks, young and not as young. They all had a great time learning about Zentangle and then practicing their newly found art!

University Art TilesUniversity Art TilesUniversity Art Tiles


I hope you like all of their spectacular art! Please go to the Zentangle page and check out upcoming classes for both Basics and Beyond.

Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Sat, 02 Jul 2016 16:16:24 GMT
Zentangle at UArt You know, I can be having a really difficult morning with body pain, hand pain, headache, whatever....but the moment the students start walking in for the class, it just uplifts me! The students are so open and curious and ready for discovery that it brings those same things up for me. That's why it never gets old teaching the basics. Each person brings something new to the playing field.

Almost all of the ladies in this basics class said they had never used the Zentangle art method before! At least one, had just seen the email blast from University Art (which displays a couple of my tiles) and said, what the heck, I'm going to take the class!

That's all it really takes to learn this wonderful, deliberate, meditative drawing process...a little curiosity, and about 3 hours. Trust me when I say the 3 hours flys by and you won't want to stop!

Take a look at this class' beautiful tiles! Then go to my Zentangle page and sign up for a class. You won't be sorry!

A regular tile is 3.5"x3.5" and we have used a 'Z' string to fit 4 awesome tangles (patterns). Tangles are: Hollibaugh, 'N Zeppel, Knights Bridge and Crescent Moon

First Basic TileFirst Basic TileFirst Basic Tile

The Bijou tile is 2"x2" and is just the right size for a mono-tangle (single tangle pattern on one tile). We used a tangleation of Aquafleur for these tiles. A tangleation is when you draw a tangle with your own twist on it.

Bijou - AquafleurBijou - AquafleurBijou - Aquafleur

I'd love to see you at my next Basics class. You need to take the Basics class to then take the Beyond classes. I've got some great Beyond classes coming up too: Black Tiles, real pumpkins for Halloween, ornaments and cards for the don't want to miss it!

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Sat, 28 May 2016 22:33:02 GMT
A Conversation with ME from ZTHQ When I went to Rhode Island to become a CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher), I had a heartwarming experience. It opened my eyes and heart to what this art method has to offer. Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas, and their whole family are such wonderful and giving people. I seriously either wanted to move into their home, or take them home with me!

We were asked if we wanted to be in a video about what ZT means to us, so I volunteered. I've been waiting patiently to see if they would put it up on their YouTube channel and it finally happened!

Here is 'A Conversation with Kim Kohler, CZT'



Please visit and sign up for the newsletter. You will receive step-outs for new tangles and information about upcoming events, and news from the Zentangle world...which is VAST!

Note: I was going to do a separate blog about the new products that ZTHQ is coming out with, but I can't good pictures of them. If you are interested, keep an eye on the Zentangle website above and click on NEW items. I will have some samples at my next class if you want to see them in person!

Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts zentangle Sat, 07 May 2016 18:02:23 GMT
Zendala Class So, I have to start out by saying that I had never actually completed a Zendala before prepping for the class on April 24th. Yes, even when I was in Rhode Island becoming a CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher), I had only done a partial tile. As with the black tiles, they intimidated me a little bit. I knew I couldn't just wing it when teaching a class, so I settled in with my black micron 01, my graphite pencil, my tortillon and a couple of Zendalas.

I looked at some of the beautiful work others were doing online and started to think about my lesson plan, then I remembered that Molly created a lesson plan for Zendalas, so I scurried on over to HQ, I followed her lesson with a few alterations and lo and behold, I had created not one, but two Zendalas and they were awesome!

The students really loved creating their own Zendalas and I think they turned out beautifully! Below, you can see the first tiles that they created.

By the way, ladies, if you have finished your second tile, please share it with me so I can add it to this post!

Zendala TilesZendala TilesZendala Tiles

Keep Calm and Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) class CZT Maria Thomas meditative patterns Rick Roberts tangles teacher zentangle Sun, 01 May 2016 20:59:48 GMT
Blogger FAIL This is why I don't identify myself as a Blogger. I have had three classes and this is the first post since 03.12.16.

Anyway, let's get on with it shall we!

On 03.12.16 I taught a Basics class at University Art. We had a tangling good time! I usually use the same tangles for Basics, but I threw cadent in there and it went over very well. Lots of fun!

Zentangle Class TileZentangle Class TileZentangle Class Tile

On 04.03.16 I taught a private class for teachers at the Shalom School in Sacramento. It was quite a bit of fun! I definitely changed up the Basics tangles as Nancy and Ruthie had taken the Yoga class already and Nancy had also taken a Basics class before with me. Oh, yes, Nancy is HOOKED on Zentangle...specifically Bijou! That reminds me, I need to wrap up more Bijou tiles for the Beyond class coming up because these ladies just about cleaned me out!

Basics Class TilesBasics Class TilesBasics Class Tiles


And finally, I had a class on 04.16.16 at the Wackford Community Center in Elk Grove. Small class of two, but that just made it nice and intimate. Brynn and Savannah (8) did a great job on their tiles! Savannah is thinking about coming to the Zendala class next Sunday at University Art! Another student HOOKED on Zentangle. I just LOVE it!

Basics Class TilesBasics Class TilesBasics Class Tiles Bijou Tile: AquafleurBijou Tile: AquafleurBijou Tile: Aquafleur

I PROMISE to do the blog more timely after the Zendala class! Until next time, Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts basics class patterns tangles teacher zentangle Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:55:15 GMT
Zentangle & Yoga: The perfect duet Yesterday I taught a class with my yogi friend, Ann, combining Yoga with Zentangle. Ann owns Rise Wellness ( in the Greenhaven/Pocket area of Sacramento. This is the 2nd time we have taught this class.

It's obvious that Zentangle and Yoga are a perfect duet! Ann likes to call Zentangle a Moving Meditation and I can't agree with her more. 

We had a small class of 6, and after a brief introduction to Zentangle, Ann led the class in some breathing and stretching. Then I took over and we started our first tile. After a few tangles, we switched back to Ann for more fantastic stretching and breathing exercises which really kept everyone nice and loose for more drawing. We went on like that until the tile was finished!

A student, Nancy, who has been in a prior class of mine, brought some of her wonderful Bijou art to show. Everyone was drawn to her Phicops tangle! So when we were done with our last stretch, I asked her to be a guest teacher and show everyone how she creates this beautiful tangle. The results were awesome as you can see by the pictures.!

As always, it was a nice relaxing day with Zentangle and Yoga.

Moving Meditation with Zentangle & Yoga: TilesMoving Meditation with Zentangle & Yoga: TilesMoving Meditation with Zentangle & Yoga: Tiles




[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class tangles teacher yoga yogi zentangle Sun, 13 Mar 2016 17:37:58 GMT
Feb 28th Class at UArt Sorry for the late post! Why does there never seem to be enough time to do the things that we love to do? I love to work on my Zentangle art and my other mixed media endeavors, however it seems like all I have time for after work is eat sleep and repeat. Maybe it will be different in the summer time when it's lighter later into the evening. Oh well, I digress!

We had a small and wonderful class at University Art on Feb 28th. Apparently UA forgot to send out an e-blast to remind folks about the class...usually I'm full up with about 18 students! It was kind of fun teaching only 6 students!

Here are their Basics tiles and bottle cap magnets that they made!

Class TilesClass TilesClass Tiles

    Bottle cap magnetsBottle cap magnetsBottle cap magnets
















Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Sun, 13 Mar 2016 17:21:38 GMT
Wowza -Was That Fun or What? So wow! It was a full and boisterous class today at University Art! Sure there were times where the tanglers got quiet, but they also got quite rowdy too! I think it was a first for me to actually have to wrangle folks back to attention. Everyone was just so excited they couldn't sit still or stop talking about what they were learning. So much fun was had by all!

I'm glad blogs are about writing cause my voice is gone. You know you've had a good class when all you can think about is getting home to a nice tall glass of water and not talking for the rest of the night.

And the art was amazing, as you can see by the below. It's so much fun to see how differently people express themselves even though they were all following the same instructions. I just love it.

Enjoy the picture, and for any of my tanglers from today, if you want to send in a picture of your Bijou tile, please do and I will add it to the post.

Tangle On!


Class TileClass TileClass Tile


Debra's BijouDebra's BijouAquafluer Paula's Bijou 1Paula's BijouAquafleur Paula's Bijou 2Paula's Bijou 2Arukas, Printemps, 'N Zeppel, Knight's Bridge

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Mon, 01 Feb 2016 01:26:04 GMT
A Zentangle Enthusiast I was contacted by one of my students who wanted to have a private Zentangle Basics class at her house. Although Deborah has taken my Basics class AND Beyond Classes, she to share her passion of Zentangle with her friends. As the class got going it was very apparent that Deb just never stops talking about Zentangle to anyone she encounters. She has gone bonkers for ZT! 

The folks taking the class (11 of them!), had mostly only heard of ZT thru Deb and almost none had tried it before. After the class, most of them were hooked and Deb and I were both thrilled....but I think Deb was a little more thrilled. As her guests were leaving, she was handing out presents for them all and talking about a private Beyond Basics class for their next play date.

Thanks for the bookmark Deb, it's awesome!

It was a great day with great art and once again, lots of new tanglers in awe of the tiles they created One Stroke at a Time®.

Until next time..... Tangle On!

Class TilesClass TilesClass Tiles Zentangle StudentZentangle StudentZentangle Student Zentangle StudentZentangle StudentZentangle Student Zentangle StudentsZentangle StudentsZentangle Students Zentangle StudentsZentangle StudentsZentangle Students

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Sun, 24 Jan 2016 20:17:08 GMT
Holly Jolly Time The Holiday class at Wackford was so fun! I enlisted the help of my niece because we had so many ornaments and cards to tangle. She is 11 years old and she helped me prepare the cards with cut-out reindeer, christmas trees, ornaments, stars and snowflakes. I was having a pretty bad pain day, so I needed all the help I could get with setting up for the days event. Her mom and a friend of the family ended up helping too. I had lots of elves to make the day run smoothly!

I taught a bunch of different tangles: Diva Dance Rock n Roll, Binial, Snowzags (with some Zendangles), Auraknot, Tripoli, Cosmo, Sprinkle, Laces and by special request Aquafleur.

Stay tuned for pictures, they are coming!


Until next time, Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Sun, 20 Dec 2015 19:38:57 GMT
Lodi Community Art Center Yesterday I taught a Basics class at the Lodi Community Art Center. It was a smaller group than I usually have, but that made it nice and intimate. The time got away from me a bit but it was ok... We talked about cancer and how important it is to get a second opinion if you and your doctor are not seeing eye to eye. We talked about having a stroke in your 20's and how 30 years later you still struggle to find motivation to get off the couch and create. We talked about teaching kids and sharing space at art events because a single artist could easily be priced out.

It was definitely a different class for me and I wish we would have had 4 hours instead of 3 because I was having so much fun. I hope to see these ladies at a future Beyond class!

Here are their beautiful tiles, enjoy!


Class Tiles 11.21.15Class Tiles 11.21.15Class Tiles 11.21.15

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Sun, 22 Nov 2015 18:31:30 GMT
Halloween Zentangle! So this was about as much fun as I've had in a class so far! Everyone was excited about tangling on pumpkins. We started with a structured class style of me demonstrating some tangles that could work well on a pumpkin. We used a practice sheet, as in the photo below, until folks were confident to start putting pen to pumpkin.

Then about half way thru the class, I switched it to a more organic process and had the students tell me tangles they wanted me to demonstrate. They could also go thru my books and learn new tangles, and I helped where needed or answered questions. It was a great class with a bunch of great ladies!

Some of the tangles we used: Betweed, Paradox, Diva Dance Rock n Roll, Flux, Cadent, Kinetic, Rain.

Thank you all for a great class!!

The practice paper and other pictures of the ladies and their prized pumpkins!

Practice Zentangle Pumpkin TemplatePractice Zentangle Pumpkin TemplatePractice Zentangle Pumpkin Template

Pumpkin ZentanglePumpkin ZentanglePumpkin Zentangle

Pumpkin ZentanglePumpkin ZentanglePumpkin Zentangle

Pumpkin ZentanglePumpkin ZentanglePumpkin Zentangle


Pumpkin ZentanglePumpkin ZentanglePumpkin Zentangle

Pumpkin ZentanglePumpkin ZentanglePumpkin Zentangle

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Halloween Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class tangles teacher zentangle Mon, 26 Oct 2015 00:39:34 GMT
Can You Believe It?! I am posting the same day that I taught the class!! I gotta make this a habit, cause it feels good not to be behind on things.

I taught a wonderful group of ladies today at the Wackford Community Center in Elk Grove. I just love the "Aha" moments and the glimmer in the eyes when students realize that, YES, they CAN actually draw and it looks fabulous!

There were a couple of hard life stories shared at the end of class, and I can only hope that those ladies will get some relief and comfort from practicing Zentangle. Take time for yourselves each day to sit down, breathe, and if it feels right....tangle.

Enjoy the tiles below and until next time....

Tangle On!


Zentangle Class TileZentangle Class TileZentangle Class Tile

Aquafleur Bijou TilesAquafleur Bijou TilesAquafleur Bijou Tiles

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Sat, 17 Oct 2015 23:30:57 GMT
Fun Class for All Ages! So I know this is really late and I am so sorry! I thought that I had already done a blog about my class on 09.27.15 and to my horror, I had forgotten!

It was such a good class too with so many wonderful artists! We had some kidlets and some more seasoned artists and everyone did a fantastic job on their tiles as you can see below! A couple of the kids pooped out midstream...the younger folks just can't hang with a 3 hour class even if it's something as fun as Zentangle. I usually do a 2 hour class for the under 12 folks, but if the parents think they can handle 3 hours, they are more than welcomed. I don't teach different tangles for the youngsters, we just use different supplies.

Anyhoo, below are the beautiful tiles and also a fun pic I snapped. Toward the end of the class, I went over to help the kids and found this beautiful montage of drawings on the paper covering the table! The oldest girl was not only keeping up with her tangled tile I was teaching, but she was also creating this artful statement!

Until next time....Oh, that's next Saturday! 

Tangle On!


Zentangle Class TilesZentangle Class TilesZentangle Class Tiles


Table DrawingTable DrawingTable Drawing

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Mon, 12 Oct 2015 19:30:01 GMT
Zentangle at Wackford I taught my first class at the Wackford Community Center in Elk Grove today. The room was very nice and I didn't even have to drag out my projector screen! The students were fantastic as usual. It just seems like folks that want to learn Zentangle are the nicest people you ever want to meet! I love teaching this art method...have I said that lately? Well I really mean it. When folks start coming in to the class, they don't know what they're in for....and it's so great that they go out of their way to say thank you at the end of class. I love it when all of the faces are smiling and I can see the twinkle of Zentangle Love in their eyes!

Ladies - Thank you so much for coming to my class! I forgot to get your email addresses, so if you are reading this and want to stay in touch for future classes, please send me your email address.

Here is the first tile the ladies drew and then their first Bijou tile, using Aquafleur!


Zentangle Class TileZentangle Class TileZentangle Class Tile

Aquafleur on BijouAquafleur on BijouAquafleur on Bijou


Thanks and Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Sat, 12 Sep 2015 23:07:02 GMT
Judy's Wine and Zentangle Party Judy contacted me because she wanted to set up a Zentangle party with her friends. I can't think of a Friday night where I've had more fun teaching Zentangle! The ladies were fabulous and funny. Although some inner critics were hard to squash, in the end, they were all very proud of the beautiful art tiles they created. 

Thank you Judy for hosting a wonderful and entertaining night! I look forward to seeing all of you lovely ladies in a future Beyond Basics class (or in Africa, whichever comes first). :)

We started the night with the basics and ended with Aquafleur on a Bijou tile.

Basics class tileBasics class tileBasics class tile


Aquafleur on BijouAquafleur on BijouAquafleur on Bijou


Ladies and their TilesLadies and their TilesLadies and their Tiles

Until next time, Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Sat, 29 Aug 2015 23:50:43 GMT
The Basics are Awesome! Wow! Another great Basics class in the books. We had a lot of fun didn't we ladies?! One lucky tangler walked away with a new Starbucks 'tangled' cup. I love the give away part. It makes me so happy to make my students so happy!

If you are interested in taking a class, please head on over to the blog and check out the new dates I just posted. There is a Basics class on Sept 27th that is almost full.

And lo and behold, I have even found time for a couple of Beyond Basics classes. The first one will be in October and we will be tangling on Pumpkins! That's right! So if you want to take the October class, you better get busy and sign up for a basics class, because it's required.

Here are the beautiful tiles that my students created in last Sunday's class. It makes my heart happy to see such beauty and to hear how happy they are after learning Zentangle!


Basics Class TilesBasics Class TilesBasics Class Tiles

















Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Fri, 28 Aug 2015 01:08:04 GMT
Yoga & Zentangle I had the pleasure of co-teaching a Creative Meditation class with my friend, and owner of Rise Wellness, Ann DaPrato. I have been going to Rise for over a year now. Initially I had met Ann and started private sessions with her to see if yoga could alleviate some of my lingering pain from cancer treatment. Then she led  me thru the iRest post traumatic stress program. Both of these experiences have been incredibly helpful to me and I also gained a fantastic friend in the process!

When I started teaching Zentangle, Ann was one of my first students. A few days after the class she told me that she had an idea growing that would combine yoga with Zentangle. Well, we finally made it happen!

On August 8th, we held an awesome class at her studio! We started with the history of Zentangle, then Ann took over for some gentle yoga stretching and short meditation. After we completed the tiles below, Ann stepped in again to keep us all centered. We ended the break with about 10 Om's (I don't really remember how many there were, but it was awesome!). Then we completed a Bijou tile using Aquafleur.

Below are the first tiles. If anyone from the class is willing, send me a picture of your Bijou tile. I'd love to add it to this blog.

Creative Meditation - Yoga & ZentangleCreative Meditation - Yoga & ZentangleCreative Meditation - Yoga & Zentangle

















Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Rick Roberts Thomas basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Sun, 16 Aug 2015 21:48:43 GMT
Renaissance Class I have to admit, I am still a little intimidated by Renaissance tiles. I know it's silly, but adding more choices to the mix (brown ink, white highlights) gets me feeling a little anxious. How do you know where to put the highlights? Do you still shade it? When do you use brown? When do you use black?

Well, I took a few days to get more comfortable with Rennies and then invited a few of my students to come play with me! I have to tell you, it does take a little bit longer to construct a Rennie tile than a regular white tile. But we had a lot of fun making these awesome art tiles!

Ladies - I was impressed with your focus and your joyful attitudes. Thank you so much for making class so fun!

Until next time..... Tangle On!

Renaissance Class TilesRenaissance Class TilesRenaissance Class Tiles

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Sun, 02 Aug 2015 22:13:45 GMT
Fabulous Zentangle Basics Class I am so thankful that I found Zentangle and had the opportunity to become a CZT. Teaching this art method has had such a positive impact on my life. I meet wonderful people and we make wonderful art together!

The tiles below are from a Basics class at UArts on June 28th. 

Zentangle Basics TilesZentangle Basics TilesZentangle Basics Tiles












If you haven't taken a class yet, check out the Zentangle page and pick one! It's a great experience that will be with you long after the class is over.

Tangle on,


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Rick Roberts Thomas basics class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle Tue, 07 Jul 2015 16:28:25 GMT
Zentangle at UArts! So this post is a little late, but hey, life gets in the way of blog updating sometimes. And it should, right? I mean, I spend M-F, 8-5 at work on a computer. Sometimes it makes it hard for me to hop on the computer on weekends to give updates.

Anyhoo, I taught a class of fabulous ladies on May 31st at University Arts in Sacramento. We had a great time! In fact, we had such a great time, I'm going to be teaching another Zentantle Basics class there on June 28th. Be sure to check out the Zentangle page of my website for information on how to sign up.

Here are the fantastic tiles that the ladies produced!

May 31, 2015 Class TilesMay 31, 2015 Class TilesMay 31, 2015 Class Tiles

This next tile is from Cynthia. She finished the second tile we started in the class and wanted to share. It's fantastic!

May 31, 2015 Cynthia's TileMay 31, 2015 Cynthia's TileMay 31, 2015 Cynthia's Tile


Thanks for stopping by! If you have not yet taken a Zentangle Basics class, please do! There is an upcoming Renaissance Tile class that you don't want to miss, and the Basics class is a pre-requisite for it.

Until next time,

Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts class meditative patterns tangles teacher zentangle zentangle basics Sun, 14 Jun 2015 17:40:55 GMT
Zentangle Beyond Basics Class The Zentangle Beyond Basics class was really fun to teach! I ended up having only 3 students, but it made it all the more special. These ladies are the best! There were laughs, wisecracks, talking back to the was brilliant!

Since we were a small class, the ladies had more input in what they wanted to learn. I brought out some of the tougher tangles and while some were hits, others got "boo'd" off stage!

Unfortunately, I did the unthinkable and forgot to take pictures. Stay tuned as I hope the ladies will forward pictures of their finished pieces to me so I can give credit where credit is due.

I am going to take April off to get some art finished. So stay tuned for a Basic class in May! And remember, if you want me to come to your house to teach you and your friends, just say the word and I'm there. I've been hearing rumblings about "Wine & Zentangle" and how great they go together!

04.06.15: UPDATE  with student pictures....

Working with regular ZT tiles as frames for the smaller Bijou tiles!

Zentangle FramesZentangle FramesZentangle Frames Beyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics Zentangle   Beyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics Zentangle Beyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics ZentangleBeyond Basics Zentangle   Bijou TilesBijou TilesBijou Tiles

Until next time, Tangle On!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) beyond basics class CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts tangles teacher zentangle Wed, 01 Apr 2015 23:08:04 GMT
Girl Scouts are My Favorite Students! I taught a wonderful group of Girl Scouts last Friday! They were so much fun! I'm just going to say it...I think Girl Scouts are the best students! These ladies asked fantastic questions and were all in the zone to learn their first tangles. Each one did a fabulous job as you can see by the picture below. I want to thank you ladies for a wonderful time and I look forward to the next time that our paths cross!

Zentangle 101 ClassZentangle 101 ClassZentangle 101 Class

Till next time....Tangle on!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT class tangles teacher zentangle Sun, 08 Mar 2015 20:52:30 GMT
Zentangle 101 Fun Last Saturday I held another Zentangle 101 class. As usual, everyone did a fabulous job with their tiles! I had two ladies that had never heard of Zentangle before. These ladies are hard working business owners that needed to have some fun. They saw my flyer at Starbucks and decided to throw caution to the wind. I'm so glad they did!

Below are some tiles from the day!

I also added a new design to my CafePress store: Keep Calm & Tangle on!

You can get it on t-shirts, mugs, mousepads, etc. Check it out, here.

Zentangle 101 TilesZentangle 101 Class TilesZentangle 101 Class Tiles Zentangle 101 Class TilesZentangle 101 Class TilesZentangle 101 Class Tiles

Until next time.... Tangle on!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT tangles teacher zentangle Tue, 03 Mar 2015 21:10:50 GMT
Fun was had by all! On Saturday I taught a Zentangle 101 Basics class and it was a lot of fun! There were 10 folks in the class and they learned 8 tangles each. We managed to complete 2 tiles and a keychain Bijou as well! I tell you, 3 hours went by awfully fast!

Below is a picture of the first tile they completed. I just love how every tile is slightly different. It just shows you how no two tiles are the same even though each person had the same instruction and had the opportunity to watch me on the screen.

I just love this gift of Zentangle!


Zentangle 101 Class TilesZentangle 101 Class TilesZentangle 101 Class Tiles

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) class CZT tangles zentangle Mon, 26 Jan 2015 16:41:47 GMT
Girl Scouts Got Skills I recently taught Zentangle to a group of Girl Scouts and I had a blast! My friend Tessa is 10 years old and she had 6 of her troop members come over to her place for an afternoon of tangling. All of the girls did a fantastic job of focusing and creating beautiful tiles. There were a couple of parents in the other room that said they were amazed that the kids stayed so quiet and focused for so long (1 1/2 hours).

The kids had a great time and all seemed to be pretty darn proud of their art work.

Here is a pic of Tessa holding her finished tile and a pic of all the tiles showing the tangles the girls learned: Hollibaugh, Crescent Moon, 'N Zeppel and Rain.

[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) class CZT tangles zentangle Mon, 29 Dec 2014 04:20:14 GMT
Zentangle 101 Basics Class is here! I am ready, are you?

It's time to sign up for a Zentangle Basics 101 class! It's a 3 hour class where you will learn to relax, focus and create beautiful art using only one stroke at a time. If you are one of those folks that say, "I can't draw", I will prove you wrong. Trust me.

The class will be on Saturday, January 24th from 1:30pm to 4:30pm in Elk Grove, CA. Cost is $35 and you don't need to bring a thing. I will give you a goody bag of tools and materials to take home.

If you are interested in the class, just send me an email and I will give you further information about the class.


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) Sun, 14 Dec 2014 19:39:28 GMT
Zentangle for the mind, body and spirit A little background...

Zentangle is the culmination of Maria Thomas' art background and Rick Robert's mediation background. He is the Zen and she is the Tangle. Together they brought us Zentangle as a meditational art form. Zentangle is an easy to learn and relaxing method of drawing beautiful images from structured patterns. You fall into a relaxed focus as you follow a series of steps to draw repetitive patterns that lead to stunning art pieces. The Zentangle method breaks down barriers of, "I can't draw", "I'm not creative", "I don't have time" and gives you bliss in return.

I found Zentangle when I was going through cancer treatment. Practicing the method gave me a welcomed distraction to the unending emotional and physical pain that treatment brings with it. It only takes one stroke at a I could make a couple of strokes and put it down until I felt better. I was amazed at the calm it brought over me and how the time seemed to melt away. I have been cancer free for 2 years now, but I continue to endure chronic pain from ongoing treatment. I continue to use the Zentangle method to get through those days when the pain is too much or when my emotional state wears thin because of it.

I am so grateful to have found Zentangle, Rick, Maria, Molly and the entire Zentangle family. 

Stay tuned while I journey to find the perfect place to teach and bring you into the family!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) cancer CZT Maria Thomas meditative patterns Rick Roberts teacher zentangle Tue, 11 Nov 2014 19:01:47 GMT
Zentangle Art What a fantastic experience I had getting my credentials as a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT®) in October.

I had already been practicing the art for quite a while, but the true meaning and philosophy behind Zentangle® art really hit me during my training. It all starts with Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts, the founders of this technique, and includes many of their family members who work along side them. They work very hard to get this therapeutic art form out to as many folks as possible.

So, what is Zentangle art? It’s a simple art form that encourages increased focus while making deliberate markings with a pen. It's for everyone, especially if you think you are not artistic and cannot draw. Zentangle art happens one stroke at a time. You make one deliberate mark with your pen, then you make another, keep going as you focus on the pen laying ink onto the tile. Pretty soon, you have a beautiful piece of art. Seriously, it’s that simple. You can’t even imagine the beautiful piece you end up with!

There are a few 'rules' to the Zentangle technique and if you follow them you will have success every time. You can break the rules of course and still end up with a fantastic piece, but we call these pieces Zentangle Inspired Art (ZIA).

There is much more to come, so stay tuned!


[email protected] (TrailGirls - Zentangle & ArtWorks) CZT Maria Thomas Rick Roberts teacher zentangle ZIA Sun, 09 Nov 2014 19:55:07 GMT