TrailGirls Tangles! I am a Certified Zentangle Teacher® and I'm having a blast teaching Zentangle® to anyone that will listen. The Zentangle art method is not all about the art. It's a moving meditation that taps into your creative flow producing a beautiful piece of art. Each stroke of the pen gets you out of your head and into the present moment where openness and joy dwells. Zentangle is the culmination of Maria Thomas' art background and Rick Roberts meditation background. He is the Zen and she is the Tangle. Learn more about the method at 2023 Zentangle Workshop Schedule
December 29, 2022
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Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2023 This year I will be stepping back my teaching a bit. I will likely do a couple of classes at both University Art and Elk Grove Fine Art Center, however nothing is set in stone at this point. That being said, if you want to learn Zentangle or have a specific tangle skill or technique you want to learn, you can reach out to me to discuss a one-on-one or private party class. One-on-one sessions can be at a local spot in Elk Grove or online via Zoom. Private Party classes can be done at your home or business in the Sacramento area. My classes are always $35/person. Any classes that I teach at University Art or Elk Grove Fine Art Center will be posted here.
Basics Classes If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.
Beyond Basics Classes Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for each of these classes. Please see previous blog posts for descriptions on the Beyond Basics classes you can request.
2022 Zentangle Workshop Schedule
December 19, 2021
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Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2022 I am ready to start the new year with some in-person Zentangle classes! Please come with me on this journey. I look forward to bringing you into the wonderful world of Zentangle if you are brand new to this art process. If you are already hooked, I hope to bring new techniques, tangles and enjoyment to your practice. Keep checking back as classes will be added throughout the year and space is limited at each venue to increase social distancing. I teach at two locations: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento
Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Basics Classes If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.
Beyond Basics Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for each of these classes.
Map Tangling We will be using a specific method to invite watercolor onto the tile (yes, you read that correctly, I said COLOR). After it dries, we will tangle on top of the color in a certain way that has become known in the Zentangle world as Map Tangling.
Tea Stains This is a wonderfully creative way to give your string life! We will create a string using tea to stain our tiles. Then we will tangle using that string as inspiration. We will also be tangling directly on used tea bags!
Found Poetry This is one of my new favorite things to do with Zentangle. I will supply a page from a book and you will choose words from that page that speak to you. After that, we will tangle around the words, shade the paper to make the words pop, and tadah, you will have a beautiful Found Poetry piece.
Pumpkins Um, yes! The most creative class of the year. I provide you with craft pumpkins and colored IdentiPens to draw on them. We practice a bunch of Halloween type tangles on paper first. Then we talk about how you want to map out your string on the pumpkin. Once that's done, it's all about putting the ink on that pumpkin. This class is so much fun!
* November/December - No Classes scheduled.
Zentangle Basics Class
September 16, 2021
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Wow am I thrilled to be teaching in person again! Um, YES! Class: Zentangle Basics Class Date: October 17, 2021 Place: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento I am limited to 8 students due to social distancing protocol, so don't wait too long to sign up. Zentangle Basics Class If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle. I look forward to bringing you in to the wonderful world of Zentangle! Tidbit: I plan to teach once a month beginning in January. So if I don't see you this time, stay tuned for more dates in the future.
2020 Zentangle Workshop Schedule
December 11, 2019
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Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2020 I look forward to bringing you into the wonderful world of Zentangle. If you are already hooked, I hope to bring new techniques, tangles and enjoyment to your practice. I teach at two locations: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Basics Classes If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working through the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle and we will work thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a Certified Zentangle Teacher in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.
Beyond Basics Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite for all of these classes. Bijou Tips/Tricks We will be working on our smaller 2" tiles in white, tan, black and the new GRAY! We will be adding some decorative spice to enhance your tangles, talking about shading, and using different pens, chalk pencils and other tools to make your tiles pop.
Found Poetry This is one of my new favorite things to do with Zentangle. I will supply a page from a book and you will choose words from that page that speak to you. After that, we will tangle around the words, shade the paper to make the words pop, and tadah, you will have a beautiful Found Poetry piece.
Tea Stains This is a wonderfully creative way to give your string life! We will create a string using tea to stain our tiles. Then we will tangle using that string as inspiration.
Romanancy Style on Renaissance Tiles You are going to love the look you get with this style. We add a few lines, draw a few fragmented tangles and then the magic happens. When we add the shading and highlights, right before your eyes your tile is transformed into columns of art!
Keith Haring Inspired Black Tiles Keith Haring used bold, thick lines in his art. We will do the same as we work with white Gelly Roll® pens on black tiles. This is not your usual Zentangle class. We will stray from creating tangles and I will show you some strokes and designs you can use to create your own Haring-ish art tile. If you want to make a bold statement or just try something new, this will be a fun class.
Save the Dates! So I am going to zenAgain in May! Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and the rest of the Zentangle HQ team always shows us some really awesome techniques and usually a new tangle or two. So I am reserving the below dates for to pop in some classes that will be inspired by zenAgain.
Pumpkins Um, yes! The most creative class of the year. I provide you with craft pumpkins and colored IdentiPens to draw on them. We practice a bunch of Halloween type tangles on paper first. Then we talk about how you want to map out your string on the pumpkin. Once that's done, it's all about putting the ink on that pumpkin. This class is so much fun!
* November/December - No Classes scheduled.
2019 Zentangle Workshop Schedule
October 08, 2018
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Zentangle Workshop Schedule for 2019 I learned some awesome new tangles and techniques at the CZT reunion, zenAgain2018, in November and I can't wait to teach you everything I have learned. I teach at two locations: University Art, 2601 J Street, Sacramento Elk Grove Fine Arts Center, 9683 Elk Grove-Florin Rd, Elk Grove, 916.685.5992
Saturday, January 12th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
January 27th - Zentangle Basics at University Art If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.
Saturday, February 9th - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class. February 24th - 3D Stand-Up Tiles at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
Saturday, March 9th - Black Tiles with Color at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
March 31st - DingBatz & DingSplatz at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
Saturday, April 13th - Frame Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class. Starting with a regular Zentangle tile, we will create a frame for smaller Bijou tiles or a small picture. You will be excited to see just how many tangles make great frameworks.
See description for January 27th.
Saturday, May 18th - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
May 26th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
Saturday, June 15th - Renaissance (Tan) Tiles at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
June 30th - Zentangle Batik Style at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
July 28th - Zendala & Chakra at University Art Joined by my wonderful friend and yogi, Ann DaPrato of Rise Wellness, we will use a Zendala to draw out the Chakra's. I will take you thru the tangles, while Ann takes you thru the Chakra's. It's a match made in heaven and you don't want to miss it.
**ADDED BASICS CLASS - NEW LOCATION** Sunday, August 11th - Zentangle Basics at Just for Fun Art Please sign up for this class by following this link: Register for Class. Just for Fun Art is located inside 'Balloon Creations by Carolyn' at: 4700 Northgate Blvd #155, Sacramento, CA 95834. The class is from Noon to 3pm. If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle. Saturday, August 17th - Sea of Zen at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class.
August 25th - Zentangle Basics at University Art If you have just heard about Zentangle, been working thru the many books out there, or have been tangling for years, this Basics class is just for you. You will get the history of Zentangle, we will go thru the 8 Steps of the method as you learn up to 8 tangles and complete 1-2 tiles. There is absolutely no experience required. You do not need to know how to draw. With this step-by-step pattern drawing method, there are no mistakes. Learning from a CZT in person is a unique experience and you will soon be completely in love and crazy for Zentangle.
Saturday, September 21st - Zentangle Basics at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class. September 29th - Labyrinth at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Picture coming! Saturday, October 19th - Pumpkin Class at Elk Grove Fine Arts Center Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite. Please visit the EGFAC website or call them at 916.685.5992 to sign up for this class. This is a favorite for many students. You will learn fun & spooky tangles and then use them on a craft pumpkin that you can use for many years to come. October 27th - Pumpkin Class at University Art Zentangle Basics is a pre-requisite.
* November/December - No Classes scheduled.
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